Is Their Trouble in the Democrat Paradise?

Opinion, Politics

Written and Submitted by George McClellan.

One day after the Democrats claimed the big prize, inaugurating a mumbling nincompoop,
China Joe Biden as president, it would appear the Dragon they unleashed on Trump’s America
for four long years under the false flags of racism, diversity, police brutality, the evil of whiteness,
etc. is coming back to bite ’em. I mean the Antifa’s and BLMs in Portland, Or who assaulted the
Democrat Party HQ there, attacked a police officer and overturned his vehicle thus destroying
public property. That’s a news headline today that will be gone tomorrow. It actually started on
06Jan 21, when Antifa’s & BLM infiltrated peaceful Trump protesters to criminally invade the
halls of Congress to discredit Trump followers as wicked insurrectionists.

For the radicals, its time to collect on a bill that’s due from the Dems. None of this follow the
Party line BS, but total Marxism or nothing at all except the promise of renewed conflict on the
streets. I can’t quite see that as a call for unity, can you? Will Oregon authorities seek out and
destroy the black clad, white liberal thugs who committed the outrage in Portland with the same
enthusiasm the FBI is after supposed white radicals who peacefully supported Trump to
denounce the election theft that placed an imposter in the Presidency? Don’t bet on!

The criminal, China Joe Biden’s call for “unity” can’t happen because there is no effort on the
Democrat side to exhibit any such unity, Pelosi and Schumer being a case in point. They don’t
want to come together. They want the history and all evidence of Trumps successes to be
erased from memory because it reveals their own history of failure.

Then comes the radicals, the Antifa’s and BLM imitation Bolsheviks demanding that everybody
will adapt a collectivist attitude, “group think” if you prefer, such as is being imposed upon us
right now with this asinine face mask nonsense. The Democrats live in their own cauldron of
political turmoil and refuse to even acknowledge any crimes that can be remotely attributed to
them. “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else.”

The Democrat crimes that still exist unanswered, protected by the elite establishments deep
state, are determined to avoid any accountability for anything except “It must be Trump’s fault.”
That’s why, Hillary Clinton, John Brennen, James Comey, Stroke, & Page, among others, still
walk the streets of Washington DC, unmolested let alone afraid of retribution from official
sources. Being Democrats, they are sacrosanct and not to be touched.

With Trump, at long last gone directly from the scene, the still fearful Democrats are pursuing
their assault on the truth by attacking Trumps conservative base, characterizing them (us) as
dangerous radicals to be rounded up and tried for treason or shot down in the streets like wild
dogs. To deny that Biden is the legitimate president and not the imposter he really is, put there
by China’s Emperor Ji, is seditions as well a treasonous and worthy of removal or reeducation.
Chances are If you see somebody openly wearing a MAGA hat today, you might be looking at
an Antifa/BLM radical trying to sniff out Trump supporters for “reset” treatment.

Biden’s inauguration ceremony was a joke. If Biden needed 25,000 troops to protect him from
the people, maybe its because the People didn’t want him! That goes for the VP too! It was a TV
spectacle, no crowds except soldiers, flags fluttering to fill in for lack off people, fencing to keep
what few citizens who did show up away; no happiness and no enthusiasm. Joe will be gone
soon and Harris, whose history of career advancement didn’t discriminate between what
haylofts she frequented, will soon take his place. That, I think, was the Establishments plan all
along! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way! Now, go get ’em! (21Jan21)

The China Reality is Now at Hand


It is looking increasingly like China’s world wide Corona Virus attack and its manufactured
phony pandemic against the world, specifically the United States may have worked, temporarily.
It has frightened enough Americans into a herd mentality to stampeded many of ’em to
sheepishly conform to Blue State politicians dictaks that we economically must kill ourselves
individually and as a nation through conformity to politically generated fear. Don’t wear a mask,
can’t board an airplane and you may get a ticket or thrown off. Totalitarism is here!

America was actually attacked by the Peoples Republic of China and a Chinese agent (Joe
Biden) was imposed on us to steal our election so the CCP can pursue its design for world
hegemony. China Joe is a bought Chinese agent of influence and America may soon become a
puppet government of China after January 2021. Knowing what we know now, and what is still
being revealed daily about the election fraud perpetrated on us, Americans must prepare
themselves to either resist Biden’s Maoist masters so they cannot transform the United States
into a functionary appendage of the PRC or get in line to join the New World Order.

The changing process of American culture has been underway for decades disguised as
“;multiculturalism, diversity and inclusiveness.” This means the eradication of Americas history
by removal of statues of famous her’s, politicians & explorers, changing names of schools from
American leaders to Marxist ones, and even attempting to change the names of American
military posts named after confederate generals. It is in reality, anti-white & anti-European! The
eradication will only stop when Trumps keeps his seat and not before! Do I sound like a
conspiracy theorist? Yes, because if we don’t realize the danger, we may be one of those on the
ground. The problem is…”The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a
conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” J. Edgar Hover, 1958 It exists!

A forced American cultural transformation through our public schools, has been underway for
decades and is now moving at flank speed pushed forward with this stolen election falling apart.
It includes the political transformation that has infected and corrupted our FBI, DoJ and CIA.
Can it be stopped or reversed? If it wasn’t for President Trump, we would have been there
already, stunned, confused and lying supine on the ground with the heels of fascists like BLM
and Antifa’s resting on our necks. To what extent can our Western cultural traditions, once
based upon moral legal and governmental standards gifted to Western civilizations by the
Greeks, Roman and others, resist the transformation? The “monstrous conspiracy” Hoover
spoke of is upon us, here, now, today! What are you going to do about it?
A growing mass of confirmations of voter fraud are coming in daily and most of those
investigations are easily available outside the dying main stream media sources. Look at this
bombshell video for example.

For most Trump supporters this lies far beyond an issue of morality and conscience. If Georgia’s
Senatorial election is also stolen then America will be a stones throw away from becoming
another Venezuela or Cuba. A conservative minority Senate will have no means short of
revolution, to resist the Chinese beast and all its odious programs of population control. It is now
time for Americans to decide if they are going to fish or cut bait! We have a tough row to hoe!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (17Dec20)

Does the Cost of Staying in Power Include China?


Written and Submitted by George McClellan

Americans are in a quandary. Is it even possible to consider Obama’s shadow idiot, China Joe
Biden to be our next president? Exactly! Nobody does not even the Marxist Democrat Party or
their propaganda arm, the main stream media. Presumably, China Joe is now the presidential
pretender-elect, unless God strikes through the upcoming congressional electors process which
does provide a route that invalidates China Joe Biden’s stolen election. It’s possible!
If the electoral certification vote by the Congress is challenged by any one Congressman and
one Senator, and the process proceeds according to the Constitution and states electors throw
the suspected electoral votes into Trumps column, then Abraham Lincoln’s words ring loudly
from the past as truths today:
“We the people are the rightful masters of both the Congress and the courts, not to
overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who would pervert the Constitution”

For career politicians like Joe, nothing apparently, is easier to do than loot the US treasury to
buy and sell favors, offer bribes, bail out dysfunctional Blue City and State governments who
have looted their own treasury’s to buy and sell votes to stay in power. China Joe alone
occupies the role as the patron saint of mediocracy! With his mediocrity, protected by his status
and position, comes the elitism that makes him and those like him, feel safe engaging in their
self-enrichment. If his voters cared they wouldn’t have re-elected him for over forty years as
their Senator, would they?

China Joe Biden convicted himself with his casual remarks bragging about how he got a
Ukrainian prosecutor fired for not dropping his investigation into a corrupt energy company
(Burisma) investigation that compan’s corruption that included his son Hunter Biden, a
treasured, valued and important contributing member of the Burisma Board.
Mediocrity must be a family trait. Hunter opened the door to his and his dad’s potential
destruction by failing to redeem a laptop computer from a repair shop that contained enough
implicating, criminal material to even convict the “Statue of Liberty!”

Then came the entangling web of China, a $1.5 billion dollar contract to Hunter Biden because
his lawyering skills were so in demand by a Chinese company. Apparently the IRS and the FBI
have long had Hunter Biden in their sites but the democrat propaganda machine of the Marxist
Democrat Party, completely shut the stories down. “Nothing to see here” except to see another
application of the Democrats standard denial model: “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame
somebody else.” Actually a lame attempt was made to blame…Trump! Hahaha!
China has flooded America with spy’s under Obama and Biden’s watch. They came as students,
scientists, educators, board member of American companies they’re invested in and "Honey
Tarts” seeking the sexual favors of really corrupt and stupid politicians. “Oh, I lub you bery
much, you so good!" Who could resist that come on?

The Democrat plan to rearrange the deck chairs on their Titanic has started. The media is now
going all in against Hunter Biden. It would have taken down China Joe before the election but
now, it’s an exercise in a power grab by the radicals that will leave the door open to Commie
Harris. China has a great investment in America’s failure. It’s their destiny to rule the world, they
think! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get & ’em! (16Dec20)

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